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Current Jackpot
$95 Thousand


Sales cut off at 7:59 p.m.

Recent Natural State Jackpot Drawings

March 22, 2025 Drawing
March 21, 2025 Drawing
March 20, 2025 Drawing
March 19, 2025 Drawing
March 18, 2025 Drawing
March 17, 2025 Drawing

How To Play

Natural State Jackpot

1. PICK YOUR NUMBERS: Select five numbers from 1 to 39. Use a playslip to mark your numbers or mark the Quick Pick (QP) box for randomly-generated numbers.

2. BUY YOUR TICKET: Each NSJ ticket costs $1 per play. NSJ sales are suspended one minute prior to the draw. Once a NSJ ticket has been printed, it cannot be canceled. NSJ tickets must be purchased from a licensed lottery retailer.

3. PLAY MULTIPLE DRAWINGS: Request from 2 to 20 Multi Draws either on the playslip or through the retailer. Multi Draws will include the next upcoming draw and be consecutive from that draw. Draws cannot be skipped.

4. CHECK YOUR TICKETS: Winning numbers are available at or from your local retailer.

Fill out Natural State Jackpot playslips with pencil or blue or black ink -- not red ink. Each Natural State Jackpot play costs $1. Mark up to five plays per playslip (Play A-Play E).
2) If you make a mistake, do not erase. Mark the VOID box and use the next play.
3) Mark five numbers from 1 to 39 in the play area.
4) Mark Quick Pick (QP) to have the numbers randomly selected at the terminal.
5) To play multiple upcoming draws, mark from two to 20 multi-draws at the bottom of the playslip for $1 each. Each multi-draw will include the next Natural State Jackpot draw. Draws cannot be skipped.
6) Double-check the completed playslip and present to ASL retailer to receive a printed ticket. Printed Natural State Jackpot tickets cannot be canceled.
7) Natural State Jackpot players are bound by Arkansas law and OAL game rules, regulations and policies. NSJ ticket buyers must be 18 years of age or older. Claims must be pursuant with OAL rules as the sole remedy of the claimant. PLEASE PLAY RESPONSIBLY.

About the game

The Natural State Jackpot (NSJ) is a drawing game exclusive to Arkansas. NSJ drawings are held daily at 8 p.m. CST. The jackpot starts at $50,000 and increases by $5,000 every draw until it hits $100,000. After that, it increases by $10,000 every draw until it’s won. Five numbers are drawn from 1 to 39. If all your numbers match those that are chosen, you win the jackpot. If other players also match all five numbers, the prize will be shared in equal amounts. Each play is $1.


Playing Natural State Jackpot

Q: Who can play?
A: Anyone 18 or older.

Q: Where and when are NSJ drawings held?
A: NSJ drawings are held in Little Rock at 8 p.m. CST daily.

Q: Which has better odds – picking my own numbers or requesting a Quick Pick?
A: Whether you pick your own numbers or have the terminal randomly select numbers for you, the odds of winning are the same.

Points for Prizes®

Q: Can I enter non-winning NSJ tickets in Points for Prizes®?
A: Yes. Winning and non-winning numbers from terminal-generated games like NSJ are eligible. Visit to enter and add Points for Prizes® points to your account. Points for Prizes® codes from terminal-generated games must be entered within 180 days of purchase date and/or the last draw date printed on the front of the ticket. Look for the 20 digit Points for Prizes Code.

Play It Again®

Q: Can I enter non-winning NSJ tickets in Play It Again®?
A: No.

Purchasing Tickets

Q: How much do NSJ tickets cost?
A: NSJ tickets cost $1 per play.

Q: Can I purchase NSJ tickets in advance?
A: To play multiple upcoming draws, request from 2 to 20 Multi Draws either on the playslip or through the retailer. Multi Draws will include the next upcoming draw and be consecutive from that draw. Draws cannot be skipped.

Q: How late can I purchase NSJ tickets on a draw night?
A: NSJ sales are suspended one minute prior to the nightly draw – at 7:59 p.m.

Q: Can a NSJ ticket be voided or canceled?
A: No. Once a NSJ ticket has been printed, it cannot be canceled.

Q: Can I buy tickets online or by mail?
A: No. NSJ tickets must be purchased from a licensed lottery retailer.

Prizes and Claims

Q: How do I win?
A: NSJ players who match five numbers will share the jackpot prize. There are three secondary prize divisions which are fixed-amount prizes: NSJ players who match four numbers will win $300; NSJ players who match three numbers will win $7 and NSJ players who match two numbers will receive the break-even prize of $1. Overall odds of winning are 1 in 9; top NSJ prize odds are 1 in 575,757.

Q: Do NSJ tickets expire?
A: Prizes must be claimed within 180 days of the draw date on which the prize was won.

Q: Can I redeem a winning NSJ ticket in any state?
A: No.

Q: I lost my ticket. Can I claim a prize with a playslip or store receipt?
A: NSJ prizes can only be claimed with a ticket printed from the lottery terminal. Playslips or store receipts will not constitute proof of purchase. Lottery tickets are bearer instruments, meaning the person who presents the ticket for claim will be presumed to be the owner. Always sign the back of any lottery ticket immediately.

Natural State Jackpot’s Jackpot

Q: What happens if more than one person wins the jackpot?
A: If there is more than one jackpot-winning ticket, the prize will be split equally between the jackpot-winning tickets.

Q: What happens if the jackpot is not claimed?
A: If the jackpot is not claimed within 180 days of the draw date on which the prize was won, the jackpot funds will be returned to the state.

Ways to win

Prize Categories and Odds

Matching Numbers NSJ Prizes Game Odds
*Jackpot 1 in 575,757
$300 1 in 3,387
$7 1 in 103
$1 1 in 10
Overall odds of winning are 1 in 9.
*Jackpot prize will be divided equally among the number of matching 5 of 5 winning tickets in a draw.

Check your numbers






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